Gifts Evaluation is not a test any more than a blood evaluation is a test. The time required will be less than an hour. Your gift mix will be discovered.
Gift Mix Evaluation
The evaluation is not a test. You cannot fail an evaluation. We call a blood evaluation a blood test. You cannot fail a blood test. A blood evaluation is not a blood test. However, you cannot fail it if you have blood. You are simply learning the type of blood you have. It is the same here. Again, we are simply attempting to learn which primary root gift you have and where you need planting in the church universal.
One of the gifts of Ephesians 4:11 will be your primary root gift. Then there will be secondary, third, etc. This evaluation helps us understand our primary gift and our gift mix.
You need to complete the evaluation.
Even if you do not read any more of the book or come to any sessions, you need to complete the evaluation. The evaluation will show your personal gift and gift mix. You will see things about yourself of which you are not aware. The reason you need to take the evaluation is because without the evaluation, we are only guessing your gift mix. You would not want a physician guessing at your blood type if you needed a transfusion. In addition, even though you may highly suspect your primary gift, you will probably be surprised at your secondary and third gifts. I was surprised.
The information is necessary for you to acquire an accurate picture of your gift mix. The more accurate you are in answering the evaluation, the more accurately you will understand your gifts. As you answer the questions, please do not be humble. If you are a very merciful person, then answer you are. At the same time, if you are a critical person, answer you are. It is vital for an accurate evaluation.
The evaluation will require less than an hour of your time. This time will be time well spent. By only taking the evaluation, I learned valuable insights about myself. You will learn about yourself also. Find a quiet place, sit back, and go through the evaluation alone. Or, you can get with your spouse, or someone who knows you well, and allow them to help you. In fact, by completing the evaluation, you will begin a walk inside yourself. Possibly, for the first time, you will begin to see what you are created to do.
Take your time and go through the evaluation. Check either a “0,” a “1,” a “2,” a “3,” or a “4″ on every statement. A “0” means never, a “1” means occasionally, a “2” means often, a “3″ means nearly always, and a “4″ means always. It is important to check a “0,” or “1,” or “2,” or “3,” or a “4” on every question. Leave no question unanswered. I suggest you move down each column one at the time finishing one column before beginning the next column. Complete the evaluation, and we will figure the score and percent of each at the end.
To have your evaluation immediately download the form in a PDF file to your device using your browser by following the instructions below.
Downloading a PDF file using the Google Chrome browser
To use Chrome to download a PDF file, of course, you must be using Chrome. When ready to download a PDF file, open the page you want to download. Click the Settings icon in the upper right corner (3 vertical dots), and select Print. When the Print dialogue box appears, click Change (unless Save as PDF is already selected). Under Print Destinations click Save as PDF. Click Save. The Save As dialogue box appears. Select where you want the PDF file saved and click Save. A PDF file will download. If the Print dialogue box appears showing PDF, click PDF and save to the location you desire. You will need to do this for every page you want to save.
Downloading a PDF file using the Edge browser
Of course, you must be using Edge as your browser. Click the Settings “. . .” icon in the upper right corner. Click Print. In print page click the down arrow next to the printer selection at the top left, select Microsoft Print to PDF. Click Print at bottom of the page, tell Edge where to save the file and give the file a name such as 1. Introduction to Temperament Study, etc. then click Save. You will need to do this for every page you want to save.
Downloading a PDF file using the Firefox browser
Of course, you must be using the Firefox browser. In the Firefox menu click File and select Print. (Press the Alt key to show the menu if it is not activated.) Next to Name, click the down arrow and select Microsoft Print to PDF. Click OK. In the dialog box, select where you desire to save the file and give it a name. Click Save. You will need to do this for every page you want to save.
Other browsers have extensions available.
Also see:
Life Gate Church (sermons by Pastor Delbert Young)
Gift Mix Evaluation
Apostles Gift – Apostolic Gift